Beauty vs. Brains

I bring up this subject because a family friend posted a couple of pics of her daughter on Facebook. The very first pic was of her holding a certificate for Honor Roll. The next was of her playing volleyball and the last was of mother and daughter together. Her daughter is absolutely beautiful, but I immediately zeroed in on the fact that she’d gotten on Honor Roll. Some others did as well though many ignored her accomplishments as a smart girl and an athlete, and focused on her beauty instead. It annoyed me, that as usual, people focused more on the exterior than this girl’s intelligence. Both of her parents are brilliant doctors, by the way, so it’s obvious that it runs in the family.

I’m not saying that no one should tell a girl she’s beautiful. It is important to hear for a young girl’s self-esteem. Hell, it’s important for a grown woman to hear. But we are not just our exterior. An exterior that wrinkles, sags, and/or expands with age, I might add. But still society places so much importance on looks that’ll eventually fade, especially for girls. And it starts early. Case in point…

The difference in girls and boys clothing is blatant and disappointing. Like we’re supposed to sit and be beautiful and that’s it. When we focus solely on a girls looks, that is all she’ll think is important. But what is she left with once it fades if all she did her whole life was work on her reflection in the mirror? We have made some definite strides towards equality, but we still have a long way to go to show we’re more than just a pretty face.

There are so many successful and inspiring women in the world. And guess what? The majority of the most successful females are smart as hell and aren’t focused on just being pretty. Though pretty they most certainly are, make no mistake, these ladies radiate a beauty that can’t just be applied with makeup, fancy clothes, and flat-irons. When you focus on beautifying the inside, there’s no limit to the people you can and will inspire.

These ladies are just to name a few that you may recognize…

So remember this fact the next time you begin to compliment a family friend, sister, daughter, etc, on just her looks. It starts with us. “You are kind. You are smart. You are important.” Let’s change the world, not just decorate it.

***I don't not own the rights to these photographs. They are the sole property of the owner.***